Battlegrounds Mobile India Announces Special Rewards As PUBG-Avatar Nears 50M Downloads

battlegrounds mobile india

Battlegrounds Mobile India: As per the new announcement made by Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the company is keen to launch an iOS very soon. They also announced they are preparing rewards irrespective of their OS. However, there is no official statement recorded to confirm the same.

The core reason why the Battlegrounds Mobile India has announced rewards for players because the title is nearing the mark of 50 million downloads on Google Play Store for android. To be precise, the title witnessed 47 million download by the end of August 5.

Krafton which is the South Korean based company has announced a reward plan for each milestone until BGMI is able to touch the landmark of 50 million downloads.

Under this plan, players are going to be rewarded with a three supply coupon crate scrap after BGMI is able to touch the figures of 48 and 49 million downloads.

On the completion of 50 million downloads, players are going to receive ‘permanent Galaxy Messenger.’ At the moment, BGMI is nowhere on Apple Play Store even after debuting on the format on July 2.

Please note that Battlegrounds Mobile India came into existence after PUBG Mobile Lite was banned from India in September 2000.

As per the reports pouring in, rewards are going to be available in BGMI’s event section. And so, it will be quite easier for users where they just need to check in and all the rewards will be automatically available to them.

Now, reward for 50 million downloads will be there within the game for a period of one month. This is what the company stated, “All Battlegrounds Mobile India players who access the game after milestone completion will be eligible to receive the reward as per the above set period,” It said.

It was only last month in July when Kraften had announced that Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has surpassed the landmark of over 34 million registered users within a period of one week after its global release.

Talking about PUBG Mobile Lite, the popularity of this game was many folds in the country after it was banned in September 2000. The ban took place due to security reasons.

Coming back to the figures, the original PUBG Mobile had witnessed more than 180 million downloads along with a user base up to 33 million in India.

Another surprising fact is that PUBG Mobile had surpassed the magical milestone of 1 billion downloads globally in the month of March 2021.



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