Come and Find Me (2016)- Missing Person’s Thriller Is Worth Tracking Down

Come and Find Me
Come and Find Me Movie | Image Credit:

As per the review of the movie ‘Come and Find Me‘ , Claire (Annabelle Wallis) and David’s (Aaron Paul) idyllic relation comes to an end after Claire suddenly disappears without giving a trace.

But all this happens under mysterious and abrupt circumstances. The impact of this huge blow is enough to make David’s life completely shattered and devastated.

But still, somewhere he wants to recollect all those missing links out for him and eventually tries to follow her trail down a highly frantic path.

He gets shocked after coming to know that Claire was involved in a double relationship. Now, he has no choice but to risk everything if he wishes to see her again in life.

Genre:                           Drama
Released Date:             November 11, 2016 (Limited)
Directed By:                 Zack Whedon
Written By:                   Zack Whedon
Duration:                     112 minutes
Casts:                            Zack Whedon (as David), Annabelle Wallis (as Claire), Zachary Knighton

The movie ‘Come and Find Me‘ is a missing person thriller reflecting deception, love and danger.

Do you know what can be the most confounding things in one’s life? Well, there can be many, but I believe, it can’t be more than if someone important in your life suddenly vanishes without a trace.

Thankfully, we don’t see such things happening in our real lives except in films, where the particular idea most often gets en-cashed to create a plethora of great thrillers.

‘Come and Find Me’ stars Aaron Paul as David. He’s an avid graphic designer and falls for a charming and kind heart photographer by the name Clare (Annabelle Wallis).

After they get introduced at their apartment, they eventually decide to move in for a witty and playful romance.

But there are a few questions that are enough to raise the eyebrows. This is Clair’s sporadic and strange behavior that he’s still unaware of.

As David is an LA based graphic designer, he still tries hard to find Claire everywhere he can. Time slowly and steadily passes.

David gets a number of vague clues that points to Vancouver, Canada.

He has no choice but has to follow all such clues to track her down.

But the question arises if she’s still alive? Well, only time is going to tell the real picture.

But for David, he thinks on the same pattern. Don’t you think he’s putting himself in jeopardy?

Well, in spite of so many controversies arising in path of David, the movie remains a much intended hunting ride.

This proves the sold and reasonable writing and direction by none other than Zack Whedon.


Come and Find Me impresses with fine acting skills

The movie ‘Come and Find Me’ becomes much intended after David finds his girlfriend Claire missing.

The biggest question that still haunts him is the very reason of her sudden disappearance.

There was no note left by her. And the fact that they didn’t indulge in any fight, the night before.

All that’s there is an empty bed and silence. He doesn’t know what to do.

As the time passes, he even tries to intervene Police in the matter but with no results. Now, after a year passes, all hopes to find her really become dim.

The movie seems much dandy and fine thriller that revolves around finding the missing person.

It’s enriched with a fine twist of romance. It’s an altogether different story and screenplay that is showcased in the film.




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