“Blair Witch” Joins the Bandwagon of Latest Horror Movies

latest horror movies- Blair Witch

If we look into the past, a plethora of movies is released each year. Out of these, some are pure drama, whereas others are full of action, thriller, comedy and horror.

However, if we discuss about horror movies in particular, they are not always fiction based but also on some real time happenings. “Blair Witch” is such a movie that joins the bandwagon of the latest horror movies list.

Genre:                  Horror
Written By:       Simon Barrett
Directed By:      Adam Wingard
Release Date:   Sep 16, 2016
Duration:          89 minutes
Studio:               Vertigo Entertainment

The film is a true sequel of the well known “The Blair Witch Project”. It’s one of the latest horror movies released this week.

As the movie is a sequel of the above mentioned  project, the film starts when Blair Witch follows a group of friends and his brother  after they all try to unearth the mystery of his lost sister (as was shown in the  first part).

In some ways the movie is worth watching, but in other ways it’s not much scary as  it should be. This is because the earlier part was completely mediocre and was not  appreciated much. This movie is a full rehash of its predecessor.

latest horror movies-blair witch
latest horror movies- Blair Witch| Image Credit: YouTube

It happens to be one of the latest horror movies, which is yet to be released and gets all its attention in the  last twenty minutes screening.

Unlike the first part’s ending, this time, they attempt  to elaborate that ambiguity.

Although it’s a nice movie, better than its first part  but still, not able to make a cultural impact altogether.

There is much tussle seen that goes on as the story builds further. Even after Sánchez and Myrick  admit the actual concept used, most of the viewers remained credulous.

Still, they should not be blamed for their acts. We can see the entire project’s marketing to be ingenious.


How the film emerges among the latest horror movies list

Now, let’s go back to those creepy Maryland woods to not only get the real feel but also for a pounding effective review of this classic horror flick.

From the very beginning, The Blair Witch Project was something that its lightening always seemed next to impossible to capture it in a bottle.

The little younger brother of Heather (lead character) is now a fully mature adult who is haunted by her sudden disappearance.


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