The Eyes of My Mother- A Haunting & Provocative Slice of Gothic Art

The Eyes of My Mother
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The Eyes of My Mother is a horror movie tries to showcase its Gothic art in crisp black and white mode.

A Portuguese mother who happens to be a former surgeon (in Portugal) lives with her daughter, “Francisca” in a secluded farmhouse.

Being a former surgeon, she wants to help her daughter learn anatomy and also be unfazed by death.

The mother instructs Francisca how to dissect a cow’s eye on the kitchen table. They continue to live in peace until one afternoon a mysterious person attacks the idyll of young girl’s life.

The person, not only traumatizes the girl, but also tries to awaken unique curiosities.

Albeit, she readily clings to her highly reticent father, her scared nature and loneliness converge (after so many years) at the time of connecting her to the outside world takes on a dark form.

The visual composition of the movie-The Eyes of My Mother looks a bit haunting and purely reflects its presence in Gothic arts.

It further evokes a kind of unexplained protagonist’s isolation and illuminates the unbalanced side of her taking the things to the outside world.

The director and writer of the film is “Nicolas Pesce” who tries to showcase the young girl’s complicated life and follows her into much secret and peculiar places. The film is to be screened on Dec 1, 2016.

Genre:                      Horror, Drama
Release Date:          December 01, 2016 (worldwide)
Directed By:            Nicolas Pesce
Written By:             Nicolas Pesce
Duration:                77 minutes
Casts:                       Dianna Agostini (as Mother), Kika Magalhaes (as Francisca), Will Brill (as Charlie)


The Eyes of My Mother is highly scary full of horrifying nightmares

“The Eyes of My Mother” is like an intoxicating and an unexplained dream of Gothic art. It’s an altogether different concept that is being used here, unlike other films of the same genre.

It reflects a kind of nightmare you ignore to shake off. The film is taken in a breathtaking black and white mode. It depicts a character study by “Pesce” in a gut wrenching ending.

The Eyes of My Mother is a well precise example that shows an unrealistic slice of Gothic art.

The horror movie introduces a young innocent girl “Francisca” (Olivia Bond) who doesn’t interact with anyone but roams around her remote farm.

She only shares her thoughts with her father (Paul Nazak) and mom (Diana Agostini).

She seems so gentle and innocent in nature as she keeps busy by picking flowers and appreciating nature, but it also reflects a unique bluntness as well. This is because her mom is a former veterinarian surgeon.

This is the time when the young girl’s sweet demeanor slips away eventually taking over the unrealistic blossoming sociopath.

The director and writer “Pesce”is able to frame this Gothic art film into a distinct and creative idea of all three phases of her life.

Soon we see her transform into an alluring and stunning woman. All she wants now is someone in her life with whom she can share anything with.

As we know she hardly connected with anyone in the past due to her lonely nature and therefore refrained from developing any human connection.

Now, all these sweet things play a dreadful game and eventually making highly unforgettable and intimate examination of her remote life.

The entire shoot the film- The Eyes of My Mother is done in an avid black and white mode.

The credit goes to cinematographer (Zach Kuperstein) and the director (Nicolas Pesce), as it proved a wise decision.

It shows an ultimate timeless and eternal look to the extent to showcase different emotions coming out from Francisca.

In the same ways, Magalhaes also prove breathtaking about the role she performs. She in fact performs exceptionally well, giving the film a realistic touch.

The Eyes of My Mother proves a much better and stunning movie with the sheer presence of Gothic cinema in most of the scenes. This kind of film lasts longer even after it ends.

The upcoming horror movie brims with a well sensed palpable sense of unease and dread from the beginning to end.