As per the Latest Bollywood News, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were confronted with a distressing reality when their envisioned paradise in Los Angeles revealed itself to be a nightmare due to a significant mold infestation.
It all happened in February 2024, when the couple had to go through a legal battle with the sellers since May 2023. The report further failed to disclose the issues before the purchase.
The report in this regard indicates that the couple, along with their daughter, could soon move to their residence.
Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas Are Said to Be Moving Back to Their Los Angeles Mansion, Worth $22 Million, Following A Mold Infestation
A report published in The Sun says that some crucial renovations are being carried out on the mansion, with scaffolding covering a significant part of the property. But there is no official report confirming the same.
A number of reports that came along indicate some ongoing repairs. It showed that one side of the house is cloaked in scaffolding, likely in response to roof waterproofing issues.
On the other hand, the exterior has received a fresh coat of bright white paint, and a sizable balcony now adorns the rear of the residence.
The report further says that a flat section of the roof seems to be undergoing conversion into an outdoor area, with new tiling likely replacing the mold-affected portion.
There are also some other temporary structures like porta potties and parked cars with construction workers nearby indicate ongoing work at the mansion.
The primary concern of the couple is to safeguard their daughter Malti Marie. The lawsuit is seeking ‘consequential damages’ from the sellers to cover repair costs estimated between $1.5 million and $2.5 million, in addition to compensation for the inconvenience and loss of use of the property.
The lawsuit seems to outline the expenses for addressing the waterproofing issues are anticipated to surpass $1.5 million. There are also some general damages of $2.5 million.
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