Both Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh complimented Deepika Padukone for her latest pictures. It all happened when Deepika decided to showcase her unique and dashing red carpet look by posting her latest pictures on Instagram. Deepika later shared a number of pictures right after she posed for the camera.
The pictures looked great showcasing Deepika wearing a dark off-shoulder dress with a train. Not only that, she decided to access her outfit with rings and neckpiece. This is what she captioned the post while sharing it, “#ThisIs83.”
After the post went viral, Ranveer Singh reacted in a generous way by complementing her. This is what he wrote, “Ufffff.”
Anushka Sharma captioned her post by saying, “Stunning” on a post where Deepika is posing her smiling face along with hearts emoji. Later, another Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha joined the bandwagon by saying, “You are divine (heart eyes emoji).”
deepika padukone for the 83 premiere đź–¤
— best dressed bollywood (@bollylooks) December 22, 2021
In the same way, Deepika didn’t forget to complement her husband and actor Ranveer. This is what she wrote by sharing Ranveer’s pictures, “Hey there handsome.”
Both Deepika and Ranveer are going to star in their upcoming film titled 83. The film is based on India’s historic win. The team had witnessed the 1983 Cricket World Cup win that was nothing like a dream come true.
The film titled 83 is directed by Kabir Khan starring Ranveer Singh in the lead role. On the other side, Kapil Dev (who was the captain of 1983 cricket team). Now, Deepika is playing Kapil Dev’s wife Romi Dev.
Along with Ranveer and Deepika, the film also stars Pankaj Tripathi, R Badree, Dhairya Karwa, Addinath Kothare, Ammy Virk, Sahil Khattar, Nishant Dahiya, Dinker Sharma, Chirag Patil, Jatin Sarna, Saqib Saleem and Tahir Raj Bhasin.
This is what a review published in Hindustan Times read, “Making a film based on such a historic milestone was quite a risky proposition for director Kabir Khan because you can’t afford to go wrong with facts here. But the minute details and nuances in the story that he highlights in the film make you believe in his research and dedication to the project. Yes, the film is about India’s win but Kabir doesn’t hesitate to tell us how most Indians never believed that India could win the World Cup. The mockery and sarcasm hit you hard through some scenes.”
Also Read: Ranveer Singh & Kapil Dev Spotted Lip Locked In A Kiss At 83 Premiere Night
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