Kate Moss May Be Called By Johnny Depp’s Legal Team As A Witness

kate moss

It looks like there is more controversy to happen between Kate Moss and Johny Depp.

As per the latest update, Kate Moss who dated the Hollywood actor during 1990’s might be called by his legal team as a witness.

It’s all happening to be a part of the legal trail between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard.

A source later revealed that Moss and Depp chose to remain tight lipped during the proceedings.

As per the case, Depp has sued his ex-wife Heard for an alimony of $50 million when she defamed him in the year 2018alleging the piece — which did not mention him by name — falsely painted him as an abuser.


Kate Moss May Be Called By Johnny Depp’s Legal Team As A Witness

After this happened, Herd countersued Depp for $100 million, stating that whatever statements his attorney made were nothing more than defamatory.

It’s being said that Herd has testified on stand that she always thought about all those rumors that were related to Moss at that time Herd along with her sister happened to be in an alleged altercation with Depp.

“He swung at Whitney, and I’d heard a rumor, a vague rumor, about that,” Herd testified on May 17, 2022.

An article that was published in Rolling Stone in the year 1998, Johnny Depp was quoted saying when he was in talks with Hunter S. Thompson, “I was with Kate, and I think he went straight for the romance jugular, s*** like whether I beat her enough. I probably told him, ‘Yeah, she gets a severe beating.” he said.


Monday’s Testimony

The trail proceeding that happened on Monday, May 23, 2022, it was Herd’s team that presented a number of witnesses that included as many as two physicians.

Dr. Richard Moore, an orthopedic surgeon testified that the injuries that the actor sustained to his finger were simply not consistent with his earlier allegation that stated that Herd slammed his hand with a glass vodka bottle.

Another physician named Dr. David Spiegel (psychiatrist) too testified before the court. He stated in his statement that Depp actually showed behaviors that looked somewhat consistent with both someone who has a substance use disorder as well as consistent behaviors of someone who is a perpetrator of intimate partner violence

Also Read: Johnny Depp Upcoming Movies List





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