Director Chris Sanders’ new animated movie, The Wild Robot, is scheduled to hit theaters on October 18, 2024, featuring a talented cast that includes Lupita Nyong’o and Kit Connor. The film tells the story of Roz, a robot who finds herself shipwrecked and learns to connect with the island’s animals. Through her relationship with a gosling named Brightbill, she undergoes a transformation that teaches her about empathy and love. As Connor puts it, “Brightbill is on a journey of self-discovery.
Kit Connor Discusses Brightbill & Roz’s Journey In The Wild Robot
Expanding on the relationship between his character and Roz, Connor shares, “Initially, Roz is portrayed as an emotionless robot. However, through Brightbill, she discovers kindness and love, leading to a stronger mother-son bond as the story unfolds.
Their evolving relationship adds warmth to the narrative and underscores the importance of empathy and understanding in overcoming obstacles. The love and compassion that Roz learns play a vital role in their success.
Throughout the film, we see Brightbill becoming more confident and appreciating the qualities that make him unique.”
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