Amber Heard Says Her Therapist’s Notes Would Have Led to Different Verdict In Defamation Trial

Johnny Depp Amber Heard

Weeks after her defamation trial was ended, Hollywood star Amber Heard has clarified in an interview that her verdict in the case would have been changed if her therapist, to whom she was reporting the entire abuse would have easily changed the verdict against her ex-husband Johnny Depp.

The reports say that her statements depicting the notes that were not allowed during trial has now been revealed by her during an interview.

This is what Herd said while narrating the facts, “There’s a binder [of] years of notes dating back to 2011 from the very beginning of my relationship that were taken by my doctor.” she said.

In the detailed interview that Herd had with NBC News’ Savannah Guthrie, she said since the notes were not allowed during trial, they would have easily corroborated claims that Depp actually abused her. She narrated an incident of 2013 when Depp had thrown her against a wall. At that time he also threatened her to kill her.

Herd further said, “I’m talking about what happened to me in real-time. She’s taking contemporaneous notes of what’s happening,” she said.

This is when Guthrie stated that they reviewed the notes that showed, “that as far back as 2012, Amber was talking about physical abuse. In January of that year, she told her therapist Depp hit her and threw her on the floor. Eight months after that, ripped her nightgown, threw her on bed, and in 2013, he threw her against a wall and threatened to kill her.” it read.

But according to the Depp’s spokesperson, he has already denied Heard’s allegation of any kind of physical abuse. This is what it said, “It’s unfortunate that the defendant and her team are back to repeating and reimagining and re-litigating matters that have already been decided by the court.” it said.

It all happened on June 1 when a 7 member jury narrated their verdict in the trial that lasted for a few weeks. According to the verdict, Depp managed to prove that Geard defamed him in the most popular 2018 op-ed case. In the trial, Depp always maintained that he never assaulted Heard in any way and it was Heard who actually harmed him physically.

The final verdict in the case came as a pleasant surprise for Depp who was awarded USD 15 million in damages. On the other hand Heard will only have to pay USD 10.35 million in damages.

The entire verdict included Heard winning one out of three defamation trials and was awarded USD 2 million in damages (as per a magazine).


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