In the latest buzz about Wonder Woman movie 2017, it seems that everything has now been settled. We’re talking about the recent Armpit controversy that revealed Gal Gadot’s armpit hair in the first trailer released.
As you know, Internet is an amazing place which at times behaves in a freaky way, where almost anything can be reproduced, magnified, over-analyzed and argued to the level of absurdity. This is exactly what happened that triggered the controversy.
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The Wonder Woman movie 2017 armpit controversy surfaced last month only. It all happened after a bunch of eagle-eyed internet agents discovered something weird and unnatural about the leading lady’s (Gal Gadot) sensational portrayal in the upcoming movie trailer of Wonder Woman. Well, it was neither her unbelievable acts of deflecting bullets using her cuffs nor was her couragous lift of a huge automobile.
Movie Name: Wonder Woman (2017)
Genre: Science Fiction, Action and Adventure
Release Date: June 2, 2017 (worldwide)
Directed By: Patty Jenkins
Written By: Geoff Johns, Allan Heinberg
Casts: Gal Gadot, David Thewlis, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen

The story of the Wonder Woman movie 2017 reveals the story of Diana, who’s trained to be a great warrior. She happens to be the princess of the Amazon. The film is directed by none other than Patty Jenkins and is loaded with a series of great star cast including Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen. It shows how the wonder woman leaves her home and becomes a part of a war only to save people from all future wars by taking help of all her powers.
It all began almost close to the 1:46 mark in the Wonder Woman movie 2017 trailer released in March, where it reveals how Gal Gadot (wonder woman) instantly lifts a huge tank over her head and then hauls it in the direction of a few unsuspecting culprits. The internet agents (at this moment) observed that after freezing the frame, one can easily note down Gadot’s unnatural and weird armpits.

Let’s explain you how the newly released trailer triggered a controversy. Well, at a certain point, it appeared that Gadot’s armpits have been paler and extra smooth as compared to the rest of her body. All this inspired negative feelings among the viewers.
After the entire controversy surfaced, a section of viewers wanted to get the clarification on why the makers would digitally alter her armpits. A few of them, however, raised the question as why the armpits weren’t shown in a more legitimate and natural way. Slowly and steadily, the issue became huge and everybody started questioning the grooming habits of such a superstitious superhero.
Wonder Woman movie 2017- The Warner Bros. film will release late this spring

After a series of verbal attacks regarding the armpit debacle, Warner Bros. came into the picture to settle down everything digitally. This time, they altered Gadot’s armpits to the best they could have done. Albeit, the skin, looks smooth and silky (as before) but the tonacity of skin seems to have matched with the rest of the body, giving it a meaningful look. So, now everyone can go back and concentrate on some other aspects of the Wonder Woman movie 2017.
Until recently, everyone witnessed a constant chatter in the virtual world to wonder if DC comic series manages to pull off a smooth and successful film after much debacle, including Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In spite of this, some freaky internet sleuths noticed wonder woman’s unnatural armpit and lack of armpit hair.