Oscar for Sarabjit movie- Ever since the movie ‘Sarabjit’ released on May 19, 2016, it was appreciated by the masses. The film is based on the real life scenario of ‘Sarabjit Singh’. Now, after a span of 7 months, the reports are flowing in that the movie has been shortlisted to be in the queue for an Oscar. And this is what Randeep Hooda thinks on the personal front as he predicts an Oscar for Sarabjt movie.
Randeep Hooda’s film has already entered into the list of as many as 336 films, eligible to participate in the upcoming 89th Academy Awards show. Albeit, the list is in the initial phase, but the filmmakers of Sarabjit including Hooda looks confident that it has everything to win an Oscar.
The film is directed by none other than ‘Omung Kumar’ and revolves around Sarabjit Singh, an Indian farmer who was sentenced to death by a Pakistani court on the charges of terrorism and spying in Pakistan. As per the facts gathered later, he was attacked by the prison inmates in Lahor jail and died a few hours later, after his case became high profile. The entire tragic episode occurred on the fateful day on April 2013.
Everyone now predicts an Oscar for Sarabjit movie ever since it shortlisted for the race
The filmmakers of Sarabjit have tried to showcase the whole event into his biography. It was done so nicely and praised by everyone. After Randeep was asked a few questions about the latest developments of his movie, he said it feels nice and refreshing to know that one’s work is being appreciated by none other than the Academy Awards.
As per Hooda, it mainly recognizes the best cinematic experience. Even at the time of its release so many people expected an Oscar for Sarabjit movie. They also deemed the particular performance to be Oscar worthy.

When further asked, Hooda said I can only predict an Oscar for Sarabjit movie. He says that a lot lobbying is needed to reach to that point.
And you see, I don’t find myself to be good for that part. Hooda further says that he would always like to attend the awards gala once the film reaches to the final list. He also said that I would also like to take a note of a few key people in his life. Read full coverage on Indian Express.